13 to 30 years

When we just started to talk about our first periods to an age where we happily talk about missing a period and sharing good news.It just so happened that I recently met some of my girlfriends from my school gang called ‘gorgons’.

And it just occured to all of us that we are going from 13 to 30 this year as a crazy gang and its amazing.

We are 8 of us and a mixed bag in personality, demanour, style and looks but with a beautiful core and the mix makes it even more special to be together for this long.

We are today, in slightly different phases of life… new mothers, newly weds, few singles. 

And to see the smooth transition of our conversations overtime from food to make up to clothes to gossip to holidays, work, kids and families is somewhat overwhelming.

 Never the less we laugh our hearts out when we meet… still basking in the glory of innocense that we cherished in our teens … and till date proud to say stupid things to each other and laugh about it without feeling judged.

Down the memory lane, last 17 years have not made much difference to our inquisitiveness and sharing and caring… all we have added is sharing our bedroom details to some extent πŸ˜‰

To be ourselves and say silly things and clarify later… yaar I can say this only to you guys 

Just be able to vent out anger at times…

At times just meet for no reason…

Do night stays and try drinks, talk about sex and actually reach an age where you are married and it’s no more the hot topic … instead kids and in laws occupy more conversation space.

How life just moves on from being chirpy girls to chirpy women.

We all know we have grown up and some responsibilities dawn on each one of us… but when we meet … it feels great to feel irresponsible again… like laugh, eat and talk stupid… who cares…

Age is just a number… we hold on to years of growing up together and cherishing big and small events of our lives from near or far but with lots of love in our heart.

P.S. – We are not flowers, we don’t decay

We are not seasons, that go away

We are not wind, that blows away

We are together, we would stay πŸ™‚

About ctulika

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1 Response to 13 to 30 years

  1. Apoorvaa says:

    Sweet read! πŸ™‚

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